Tick, tock, tick, tock
The saying goes “time flies when you’re having fun,” so does that mean as I’m getting older I’m having more fun? Because time is flying.
My snow tires are back on my car...I swear they just same off. Granted they didn’t come off until June this year, but still!
I’m already thinking about my New Year’s Eve plans and I can still vividly remember where I was last New Year’s! And, I got my first holiday party invite...How is it that time of year already?
When I was a kid I remember summers lasted forever. The days seemed so long but so did the season. Now I seem to wake up and a season has passed me by.
I know I’m not alone in this. My mom says it’s worse for her now than it ever was. She gets sad about it, which of course saddens me. I accept it, but yet I don’t understand it.
Days are still 24 hours. And my hours are still jam-packed. So why does it seem as if it goes by so darn fast?
Is it because I fill my time with too many things? Maybe. They say the average American watches five hours of TV per day, which equates to 76 days per year. I don’t watch any TV. I may watch an episode of “South Park” (which if you are not watching you are soooo missing out on) or “Shark Tank,” but most of my “free” evening time is spent writing or reading.
I know when I was a kid I likely watched way more television, but I still can’t imagine that’s why time seems faster now than when I was younger.
Is it that I have more responsibilities now — chores, obligations, commitments. Again, I doubt it. Being kidless and single I have way more free time than my peers. And I fill it.
On average I exercise five to seven days a week. I try to spend at least 20 minutes of fresh air time outside every day.
I obviously work, which like most people takes up a bulk of my time. And I spend one to two hours per week in what I call “spiritual” time, whether formally or informally. So where does the time go?
I am fortunate in that I don’t really “save things for later.” If I want to do something I do it. If I have a place I want to travel to I venture out and see it.
So I don’t think, as I get closer to my natural demise, that I’ll regret that “there wasn’t enough time to do the things I love.” But I do feel robbed of the fact that time is on the fast cycle suddenly — that as a child a day felt like 100 hours and nearing 50 it feels like four or five.
The seasons feel like minutes instead of months and the years pass so fast I don’t even know where my 40s went.
I don’t want to slow down my aging process or find my fountain of youth, but, if any of you have figured out how to slow down this perception of life flying by, please share it with men ow, because tomorrow is only a nanosecond away!